Wednesday, December 3, 2008

exciting news

well we are excepting another little one again! due date is july 13th but i will be induced at 38 weeks unless this one comes earlier.
had my first appt yesterday and got to see the baby and his/her heartbeat. was going nice and strong! definitely helps to see that. our dr this time around is josh deere. justin moved back to montana to be near his kids. kinda sad!
i was feeling fine until a few days ago and now i feel like crap but it's good that i'm finally feeling something. i'm tired but that's cuz the little guy is a crazy boy and is all over the place.
rylan is now walking almost running. he loves to climb and be a boy. he loves to dump all his toys out and pull out the books on his bookshelf. our living room daily looks like a tornado. haha! he has started trying to put his socks and shoes on. he follows most directions pretty well. he knows where his nose is and we're working on the rest of the body parts. he loves to dance and has started singing along with me or the tv. it's very funny. he loves to put stuff on his head (like buckets) and crawl or walk around with it on and then crashes into stuff and laughs. he is a very smart boy and will be talking up a storm in intelligible words very soon.

Friday, October 3, 2008

One Year Ago

A year ago, on a Friday, our little guy joined the world! I cannot believe it's been a year already. Time has gone way too fast!
Rylan isn't walking yet. He cruises around all the furniture and climbs on anything he can get up on. He's even pushed a few items near other items so he can climb higher! He loves being outside. He loves to crawl to the front door and look outside. He loves the park and being in the swing. He'd be content to be in there all day and watch the other kids run around. He is starting to listen and follow a few directions. He knows what No means but still loves to ignore me when I say it. Typical kid!!! He likes to swim and be in water. He is very good at sharing right now. He likes to hand you something and then have you hand it back. He also just loves when people wear hats and he can take them off. It tickles his funny bone! He has just recently started dancing. He does a monkey dance that is hilarious...he does it standing, kneeling, sitting in his high chair!!!
He has 6 teeth and will have another one or two any day! He is right around 30 pounds. He's pretty tall for his age. He is in some 18month clothing but mostly 24month or 2T clothes!!!
He still isn't a great napper or sleeper. Not sure why but I'm ready for him to be in his crib all nite long!
We are having his birthday party tomorrow! The theme is Thomas the Train. After the cake and presents we are going to the waterpark. Should be a good time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Crawling Machine

Sir Rylan is now crawling all over the place!!! He's had quite a few bumps and bruises but he's just making his head stronger! ;)
Just today he started crawling after me. I went to the kitchen to get him a bottle and about 10 seconds later I hear him right behind me. He had the biggest grin on his face. He was so proud of himself.
He loves to pull himself up on furniture. Thankfully only on his knees so far. I'm not ready for him to get up on his feet yet!!! He's growing up too fast. His favorite thing is to pull up on the doorknobs on the entertainment center and chew on them. Haha!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

9 month dr's visit

Rylan had his first eye appointment today. Nothing is wrong, the eye dr is part of a free program that checks infant's eyes out. Rylan's are great!!! Yay! He is a little farsighted but I guess that is normal for infants and will decrease over the next couple of years. I just hope that he gets his daddy's eyesight and not mine!!!

Then he had his 9 month checkup. He is still a BIG kid!
Height: 29.5" (90%)
Hear: 18.5cm (75%)
Weight: 26lbs 2oz (Off the charts...100+%)
He is right on track for all his developmental stuff! Yeah! The dr said that he is big enough to be changed to forward-facing in his carseat but said to hold off until he's about 1 to let his neck muscles get stronger. And he can try anything I want to give him except honey. Yeah! I hope to have him eating big people food exclusively very soon. That baby food is yucko smelling and expensive. And I can't wait to get him off formula. That stuff is ridiculously priced!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Slide Show!

Happy 4th of July!

I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to post an update. Time goes way too fast!!!
* This picture is his new funny face he makes! He gets excited and squishes it all up and wrinkles his nose. It's hilarious! We have no idea where he picked it up from.

* Rylan will be 9 months old on Saturday!!! It's crazy that he is going to be 9 months already. It still seems like he was born yesterday. He is getting big. He has his checkup on Monday and I'm guessing he'll be a little over 24 pounds and right around 30 ". He is a big boy.

* Rylan is almost crawling. He gets on all fours and now he will pick his hands up and move them but doesn't quite get the legs yet. He tries all the time. He is very good at pushing himself backwards and scooting around. He rolls but not all over the place.

* Rylan is very ready for big people food. He has tried bananas, grapes, carrots, french fries, mashed potatoes and a strawberry shake. He didn't really care for any of them the first time around. We will just have to try again. He does love gerber puffs and gobbles those up like there is no tomorrow.

* Rylan loves the water. He gets in his bath and splashes all over the place. It's pretty cute. We got his froggie pool out the other day and he didn't like it b/c the water was so cold but once it warmed up he liked it. We didn't sit him in it yet. We'll have to wait for a nice warm day with warmer water.

* I quit my job! I now stay home with Rylan and I love it. Of course there are days that I wish I could have a few hours to myself but then I get a smile or a kiss from the little guy and it makes it all worth it. Not sure if I will go back to work anytime soon or just stay home until all our kids are in school. We are just playing it by ear!

I finally uploaded new pics to his photo album! He is soooooooooo cute and still has his big blue eyes!

Have a safe and happy 4th!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Rylan is 4 months old!

Rylan turned 4 months on Tuesday. He had his shots on Wednesday. He did really well. He cried but fell asleep on the way home and slept pretty well. He is now 18 pounds (90+%), 25.5 inches long (50%) and his head is 17 inches (75%). He is doing really well.
He can now start eating food. He got some bananas and seemed to like them. Tonite he got applesauce and really liked that. He made it nice and messy. :)
He is finally getting better. Hopefully whatever he had doesn't come back again.
He hasn't even tried to start rolling over yet but the dr said that is just fine. When Rylan is put on his stomach his legs start moving so as soon as he can figure out that they will move him he will be off and will probably not slow down until he's 90. Haha!

I finally got a chance to put new pictures on his photo album site. I can't believe how big he is getting. And how adorable he is!!! His eyes are still the most gorgeous blue! I hope they stay that way.