Friday, February 8, 2008

Rylan is 4 months old!

Rylan turned 4 months on Tuesday. He had his shots on Wednesday. He did really well. He cried but fell asleep on the way home and slept pretty well. He is now 18 pounds (90+%), 25.5 inches long (50%) and his head is 17 inches (75%). He is doing really well.
He can now start eating food. He got some bananas and seemed to like them. Tonite he got applesauce and really liked that. He made it nice and messy. :)
He is finally getting better. Hopefully whatever he had doesn't come back again.
He hasn't even tried to start rolling over yet but the dr said that is just fine. When Rylan is put on his stomach his legs start moving so as soon as he can figure out that they will move him he will be off and will probably not slow down until he's 90. Haha!

I finally got a chance to put new pictures on his photo album site. I can't believe how big he is getting. And how adorable he is!!! His eyes are still the most gorgeous blue! I hope they stay that way.

1 comment:

Ter said...

How come I'm just now finding out you have a blog?!?!

I can't wait to meet Rylan!! (and his mommy of course!) Hard to believe he's 4 months old already! Wow!
